Failing Dental Implants - St Petersburg, FL

Are You Experiencing Trouble with your Dental Implants?

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Visit the Expert in Dental Implants

If you’ve completed dental implant treatment and have swelling, pain or infection around your implants, you need care from an expert like Dr. Jimmy Vellis in St. Petersburg, FL. While dental implants are considered the preferred option for replacing teeth today, you can still experience failing dental implants, otherwise known as peri-implantitis. One of the biggest contributors to implant failure is under-engineering. If too few implants were placed or inserted in the wrong location or angle to support a prosthesis or your bite wasn’t properly adjusted, this will cause an unequal distribution of pressure.

When it comes to failing implants, you’ll need the expertise of a trained dental professional to assess your situation and remove the implant, if necessary. An implant expert like Dr. Vellis at St. Petersburg Dental Implant Center will also have the level of skill and necessary technology to replace your dental implant and assess the extent of the problem and be able to perform effective peri-implantitis treatment. Our office is fitted with a state-of-the-art in-house laboratory to efficiently design and build your implant(s). Patient exam rooms have private X-ray capabilities, and our team is available for emergency appointments. If you’re noticing signs of ailing or failing dental implants in St. Petersburg, FL, don’t wait to get treatment from our team!

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What Can Lead to Peri-Implantitis

Treatment Beyond Dental Implant Failure

A failed dental implant doesn’t disqualify you from being a candidate for one in the future. It simply means it’s critical that you receive treatment from a qualified clinician with the skill to do it correctly. Our dentist has the highest level of education and training, including dental implants. We also use state-of-the-art technology and materials scientifically proven to withstand the forces of biting and chewing to help correct peri-implantitis.

Our dentist uses the latest technology to remove virtually all room for error, with exact and consistent results. Working closely with your restorative dentist, we can deliver personalized treatment and a new smile that provides long-term function and aesthetics. You can have a smile that lasts—and it begins with the expertise of our dental team in St. Petersburg, FL!

Are You in Pain from Your Dental Implants?

Contact our office right away!

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